
That's a Wrap for season 2019

Wed, 28 Aug 2019
from 7:45pm to 8:45pm

by Hailie McCauley
Posted: over 5 years ago
Updated: over 5 years ago by Hailie McCauley
Visible to: public

Time zone: Canberra
Reminder: None
Ends: 08:45pm (duration is about 1 hour)

And thats a wrap!! Congratulations to all the Pakenham Little Athletics Cross Country athletes on a great season. Week after week athletes competed to the best of their ability and should be so proud of themselves.
We had teams compete and place at the cross country relays at Cruden Farm, had a great day out at State Road Relays and got very cold at State Cross Country championships at Lake Dewar.

A massive thank you to all the dedicated parents who braved the elements to bring their athlete each week, and assisted at various events. It was greatly appreciated.

This Friday we will celebrate these achivements at the cross country presentation night. This evening is open to all cross country athletes who have competed in a min of 6 cross country events during the season. Cost for athletes is covered by the club, cost for siblings payable on the night.
Can’t wait to celebrate with the team.

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